Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Dilini Niluka, About Me, Hey Boys and Girls

Hey Boys and Girls !

I am Dilini Nuluka. I live in Nugegoda. Hey This is me,

I am going to tell you about me. I am 26 old simple girl. No, No, I am not a girl, I am a women because I am married but now I am devoced.

Can you guess me what I am doing on these days? I have to live. Therefore I nedd money. So I am doing a Beauty Saloon.

This photograph was taken before I got married. Which one do u like most? I think the 1st one. Am I correct?

I have lot of work. Because I am the owner of my Beauty Saloon. There are lot of duties I have to do at my Saloon. There are two girls working with me.

Here is the photo of my Sallon

Some times I work Harder to reach my targets. I want develop my saloon day by day.

Here are the two girls working with me.

She is Menali

She is Tammy

All two girls giving me a very good support to any kind of work.

Now I am going to tell you about me.

I like Singing, Dancing, Chatting, Swimming anything .................

I think you like to talk with me. I will give my contact # to you now. I have put my contact # on this site. Try and find it. I think u can be the winner.

Actually they are the share holders of my saloon instead of these two working girls.

She is Nikki (Live in Auatralia)
She is the best for tatoos

She is Andria (Live in Canada)
She is doing New Fashions

Finally I am attache of my friends photograph herewith. These three girls are my Classmates.

Thanks for watching my site. Call me.............. U can find my contact # on this site. I know U can find my #. All the best !